Sunday, August 21, 2011

Pictures Pictures Pictures!

Back from summer vacation in, here's a LOAD of snapshots!
Danika, Josiah, Ole
(Took 2 days for Ole to finally like the water)

Noah's "Pit"....the beginning

Noah's "Pit"....the final creation

Our little spot under one of the few coveted trees
 available for shade.

Jo loved building his own sand castles

Jason, Ole, Josiah at Tickleberry Farm...
.where they sell like 500 flavours of ice cream!

One of our evening camp fires on the beach

All the kids at Peachland Beach

Jo & Ole loved tossing rocks into the water

The older boys searched for treasures and cool
rocks while Nathaniel sailed in the tube

Nathaniel and Jason chill out on Skaha

Both the little one's playing DS in our Motel room
......too cute!
Both Jo & Nate were required to wear
life jackets 

.....And hats
It was over 30 degrees everday

All the kids at the spray park just down
from the beach

Ole....ahhh, this is the life!