With both the older boys done their final exams and Danika being finished the end of this week, things are becoming a bit more relaxed around here. The temptation is to dump everything and just sleep in, do nothing, and "chill" for the entire day. But life in a large family doesn't allow for a vacation from LIFE!
Even without school, we still have a lot to keep up with or we'll soon see the fruit of our laziness...after all, even though some of us are technically on summer vacation, we still need to be productive members of the family! Cooking, cleaning, various chores that need to be done, helping out the little one's, watching for proper attitudes, being ready to serve others when needed. Sleeping in til noon is not an option (and frankly not good for anyone's body anyway)and neither is spending all day, everyday at a friend's house, etc. We will just enjoy the simple rhythm of a gentler schedule...one united family in Christ focusing on spending time