Monday, August 20, 2012

Welcome Home Baby Elijah!!

It's actually been a week since we welcomed home our newest addition to the family,  but I'm just now finding the time to get some pic's up   :0)

Details??  I've already talked or emailed most of you, but for the sake making it forever saved into cyber history....

As per my request to the Lord, labor was very fast! 1.5 hrs to be exact!  He was also the biggest baby we've had, being 9lbs 2oz.....don't let anyone tell you that bigger babies are slower to push out!  He was born at 2:45am, the perfect time, since all our other little one's were peacefully asleep in their beds while as whisked away to the hospital.  (We woke our eldest to go sleep on the couch in case one of the little one's were to wake in our absence.)

By the time the little one's woke up and had breakfast, Jason was back at home gathering them up to come see their newest brother.  He stayed with me most of the night, since we had a little bit of a scare with some post-delivery bleeding.  I've never had any issues with that before, but this time they pumped me full of 3 bags oxytocin.....yucky, but obviously it did the trick because the bleeding slowed down after a couple hours. 

Coming home was a little crazy this time since we are in the middle of selling our house.  Our older kids have been amazing though, pitching in wherever needed to help keep things clean, organized and having all the little one's watched over while we show the house.  It's been a little tricky to pack up a newborn and get all the other kids to the park during a viewing,  but God has been good to us, we've had great weather and the patience to just continue focusing on the bigger picture.

We'll try to get some more picture's up as soon as we've settled into school a bit.    :0)